Thursday, May 14, 2009

Part of the Circle

I am seeing now, more than ever, that God brings things full circle. Not just in my life but for everyone who trusts Him.

It occurred to me this morning how just several days ago I was pouring my heart out over being single. How badly I wanted to be ok with where I am and watch God bring about the desires of my heart when He so sees fit. Just several days ago I never thought that God could so quickly bring me to a place of being happy right where I am, but He has!

I realized that when I said yes to going to Nicaragua I did not have to ask a husband if he was ok with it. I did not have to think about a boyfriend that I would have to miss while I was gone. I could make the decision based on what I know is right for me and what God has for me. Ahh, the freedom I awakened to this morning!

As God works in me through each trial He is kind to show me how He brings life's struggles full circle. God is generous to give us just enough of the the big picture to press on and know, with certainty, that His plan will be accomplished. Needless to say, I am overwhelmed in this moment of how FAITHFUL God is and how much I need His love in my life.

1 comment:

Jo Ellen said...

So true. I am going on a women's retreat and had to ask Kiley's "permission" for the ladies riding with me to be able to park in our driveway!!