Sunday, May 24, 2009


"Those who live in the shelter of the Most High
will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty.
This I declare about the Lord:
He alone is my refuge, my place of safety;
he is my God, and I trust him."
Psalm 91:1 -2

Last week was a week full of surprises - and none of them pleasant. Information that I have received or realizations that I have been forced to come to terms with have been hard to swallow in the past 4 days. However, in the midst of everything, I have so strongly sensed God's protection.

The truth is not always a pretty little gift tied together with a pretty little bow. No matter how ugly the truth may be, though, there is protection and freedom in it. I have found myself asking why so many relate to God as the light of the world when I seem to be making so many decisions to trust Him in blind faith. Some of these decisons were made years ago and some just days ago. No matter how much time has lapsed between now and then, I now understand why God is the true light of the world. God is absolute truth. In time the truth is revealed and all things are made visible. Not only is God the light that we all yearn for and should follow, He is also the light of truth that frees us from our doubts...the what ifs...the quest for a reason. In His time, His light is revealed and the truth of things are made known while resting in the protection of His shadow. He goes before us, loving us and shielding us until we are ready for what He has to reveal.

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