Monday, September 15, 2008

I Love the Book!

As I mentioned last week I am reading Shattered Dreams by Larry Crabb. Wow, what a book this has been! God's timing is impeccable. I couldn't have read this book at a better time. Not only is the book hitting me square between the eyes, messages that I am hearing at church are also aligning with what I am reading. What are the chances?

Here are a few things that I have been learning lately:
  1. This thing called life, it is not about me. It is about where I fit into God's story. I know that you are probably thinking, "Duh, Karis...about time you caught on". I have always had a head knowledge of this, but I have never had a heart humble enough to enter into God's story. I have always wanted to be in God's will so that my desires come to fruition. I think I am getting it...this life of mine was God breathed...and I need to just go with the His flow and allow my desires to become secondary to and shaped by God.
  2. Now that I have FINALLY realized that God has a purpose for me in His story, I am much more free to really experience life. It is already worked out, all I have to do is be on board.
  3. No matter how much pain and suffering I may have to endure, the ultimate goal is joy, true joy that can only be found in Christ. God will allow me to suffer until I am ultimately satisfied by Him.
  4. Letting go of all of the dreams that I had for myself has ushered in more joy than hanging on to what I wanted. Instead of cramming my life full of chaos, I am finding that peace and rest come much more naturally.
  5. If I allow God to shape my desires, my hope in Him will only grow. I want the kind of hope that hopes beyond the impossible...the kind of hope that Christ carried on His way to the Cross.

I am truly humbled as I reflect over everything that God has done for me and how little I deserve His gifts. I am enjoying this season of joy, peace and rest.

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