Monday, September 8, 2008

Needing to Belong

Since being back in Greenville, finding a home church has become a top priority of mine. I spent some time praying about where God wanted me before I even moved home. There were several churches that ran through my mind, but after visiting and more prayer, I feel that God is leading me to Grace Church.

Grace is a non-denominational church that was started in a home in 1995. It has grown to over 2000 members. The number of members is not what impresses me about Grace. The feeling of community despite the number of people is what draws me to Grace. Grace teaches the Bible and is concerned with disciplining it's members. Grace, so far, seems to be just what I need.

As I have attended Grace for the past few weeks I have connected with some great girls. It is totally God. It is an answer to prayer. As I have gotten to know these girls I have been reminded of how much I missed feeling like I belonged somewhere. I have missed the feeling of true fellowship and a sense of family among a body of believers. I have missed having a "home" church. It is funny to look back to the time when I was deciding to move home. My love for the church in Wilmington was really a stumbling block to me following God back to Greenville. Although I attended church regularly in Wilmington and loved the church, I never felt at home. It is incredible to see God piecing things together for me now that I have made the move. God is faithful!

Tonight I attended an informational class about the membership process at Grace. Joining Grace is quite a process unlike anything to which I am accustomed. Joining Grace involves a four week class that introduces you to the core concepts on which Grace was founded. At the end of the four weeks it will be my decision whether or not I will join. As you can probably tell, I am 99% certain that I will join. I am so excited about the possibilities that await. I am looking forward to belonging, fellowshipping and feeling like I am home, truly home again.


Unknown said...

I am so happy for you, Karis. I love you and miss you!

Alicia Looper said...

Yay, Karis! That is truly exciting. We need to get together soon. You are missed on this side of town!

Lyra said...

Hey, Karis! I'm so glad to hear you've found a church body. It makes such a difference! I'm excited you have a blog! Take care.